How to care for your toe ring

It's important to keep your toe rings in the best condition possible to help them last.

~Store your new addition in a safe, dry space to prevent it from tarnishing. Anti-tarnish bags are brilliant, but zip lock bags work great too, as long as you keep them air tight! 

~Minimize the amount of adjustments. Silver is a fantastic choice because it's durable, but your band will weaken over time if you're not handling it with care. When putting on or removing gently pull the band apart and try not to widen too far. Also, try applying something buttery to your toes and the ring with a slow twisting movement upward to remove.

~Stay clear of chemicals in pools and hot tubs whenever you can! We know, that’s the point of wearing them~to show them off when our toes are exposed! Just be cautious when you're submerging them. Chemicals in hot tubs, pools & even salt water can tarnish sterling silver. If this happens, remove the ring and polish with a treated jewelry cloth to regain its original luster.